Welcome Back! Fall Quarter 2015 Updates

Welcome back everyone! The first class of the quarter will be Monday, September 28th at 5:45 to 8pm in Blomquist Gym. Classes will continue as before MWF 5:45-8pm at Blomquist Gym the rest of the quarter.

It was great to meet all of the new freshman at RecFest on Monday night!

Rafael and Bryan demonstrate for a new student at the 2015 Fall RecFest.
Rafael and Bryan demonstrate for a new student at the 2015 Fall RecFest.

Also, there are some upcoming events at Shinjinkai for anyone who is interested:

Outdoor Training Retreat (Oct 3-4) :  http://www.shinjinkai.org/#!seminar-signup/c8iz

Aikido Friendship Seminar (Nov 7-8) : http://www.abidingspiritcenter.org/aikido-friendship-seminar-november-7-8.html